Actually, that’s an Albert Einstein quote. The true definition is a state of madness; or extreme foolishness or irrationality. Same difference, but I digress.
I know you are not mad, foolish or irrational. Well maybe a little mad, but that’s only because you have been duped by the diet industry to believe that if you eat less, exercise more and eat their magic diet food to stop your cravings, then you would be guaranteed to lose weight.
How has that worked for you so far? Not so well I’m guessing since you are here now.
But I am so glad that you are here because I can help you stop the madness.
I'm Coach Kerrilee. I am the go-to Eating Psychology and Mindset Coach who teaches women, just like you, how to end the senseless diet struggle and finally take back control of their lives. I have taught women from all around the world the pillars of weight loss success and the life long skills to maintain it.
I want you to love the body and the life that you have while getting the body and the life that you want.
It is my mission to free women everywhere from the religion they call their diet and finally develop a healthy relationship with food.
Here’s the thing – the strategies you’ve been using (such as dieting and punishing exercises) to overcome emotional eating, binge eating or simply overeating in order to lose weight have not worked. And guess what – they never will. If they did, you wouldn’t be here now.
It’s not a matter of trying harder or having more willpower. Willpower is not the issue. If you ever made it through a whole day of dieting – you can be assured you don’t have a willpower issue. The issue is the tactics you have been using. It's time to do something different.
You CAN have the life and the body that you want – and that you deserve.
~ Finally overcome emotional eating
~ Gain control over your cravings
~ Have a peaceful relationship with food
~ Silence your inner mean girl
~ Annihilate body hate
~ And once and for all kick yo-yo dieting in the arse! (Happy dance inserted here!)
And I can show you how!
Discover the secrets to crushing your cravings without the pain of enduring torturous detoxes, extreme deprivation or relying on willpower.
If you are ready to end the senseless diet struggle, Stop the Diet Madness will help you take back control of your life and your body, by helping you finally develop a healthy relationship with food.
You can't hate yourself into a place of love. The journey dictates the destination. The Love More Weigh Less program is a transformational approach to help you gain control over food, start loving your body and reclaim your life.
"I can't believe how quickly this program worked for me. It was super easy and so different than any other approach I have tried. I'm telling everyone I know about it. Thank you again!!! "
“I lost 14 pounds participating in Kerrilee’s program after only 4 weeks. I love everything about this experience. This is like nothing else I’ve ever tried. I know that the changes I am making will be life-long!”
“This program is completely different. I have tried all types of diets, none ever worked. Buying this program has been the best decision I have ever made and far exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend it to everyone!”
You don't have to fall victim to those unrelenting cravings. Discover how to healthily handle the top 5 food cravings most people experience.
You can’t hate yourself into a place of love. The journey dictates the destination. This blog post provides you some simple ways that you can begin the journey of love and lasting weight loss success.
Food is not the enemy. If you follow these steps you will be surprised how easily you can develop a healthy and, more importantly, peaceful relationship with food.
Understanding the causes of sugar cravings is the first step to gaining control over them. While there are many factors at play in creating and perpetuating intense cravings, this blog post will uncover 8 surprising causes for your sugar cravings.
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